A quick update on stats. Priss weighed in at 16 lbs 6 oz at her 4 month well visit and I can't remember how long she is (terrible I know, but they didn't wright it down for me like they usually do). I do remember that she was in the 75% for height and 95% for weight, go big girl!!! She is such a doll all plumped out. I love her.
She's learned lots of new tricks like blowing bubbles, drooling (is that a trick), grabbing her sweet feet and of course ROLLING OVER! She can do it pretty easily but still isn't rolling all over the house. I don't think she really cares to be on her stomach so she doesn't have much of an initiative. She LOVES her door jumper and sits in it every morning while I eat breakfast and drink coffee and plays in it every night when I cook supper. If she gets fussy I turn the radio on and dance for her, she loves it, and I get to finish whatever I'm doing. She has also been sitting in her exersaucer and loves it more and more everyday. Yesterday she was VERY busy in it. Nora is not a Bumbo fan but will tolerate it in small doses...very small doses.
She has started eating rice cereal in the evenings and she loves it, it's food isn't it? Nora LOVES food! The doc said that once she masters it we should start giving it to her for breakfast too...chirp chirp...I don't know that I have time for that!?!?! We'll have to work out our new schedule next week when she starts MDO.
Speaking of MDO...she starts next Tuesday! It will be a bitter sweet day I'm sure. On one hand, Brannan and I are finally getting our house back to ourselves. We've had family staying with us since MEMORIAL DAY, since you don't have time to figure the math, that's 11 weeks! I love my family and I really am going to miss my mom being there in the mornings but we are ready to start this family adventure as a threesome. I'm also a little nervous about Nora starting MDO and not being at home all day with someone she knows. Ok, let's face it, she'll be fine, but I'm seriously sad. It surprises me really, because I NEVER cared a thing about babies until I had Nora, but I LOVE ME SOME BABIES now, well, not all babies but my baby for sure and I really do wish she could stay a baby for at least another two years ;)
My sweet girl is getting so big, she's so sweet and her toothless smile and bald head get me every time. We have the best time together playing and talking. She loves to talk and tells me all about her day when I get home from work. My favorite time of the day has ALWAYS been when Brannan gets home from work, and now it is that much sweeter to have my whole family back together. Nora adores her daddy and he is such a sweet father. My heart is exploding with love for the two of them.

Good luck with the daycare thing. It was so hard for me to take Clay, but I LOVED his teachers and he took to them very well. Hopefully you'll have the same good experience.
dyHope daycare goes smooth for ya! She is so cute in all these pics, the one of her and Branan is so sweet.
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