Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Three Months

My child, my child, my child!

LOVES to be the center of attention and has to be entertained CONSTANTLY! Evidently I shouldn't be too surprised, my mother said I was the same way. I really haven't been alone with Nora all that much since going back to work because I don't keep her during the day and on the weekends Brannan is home, but I kept her yesterday and I had forgotten what a handle she is! Lord help you if you have to go to the bathroom! She is NOT going to be happy if she's left alone for two seconds! I guess she just loves mommy that much ;)

She's getting so big, way too big! She puts those sweet little hands up on her bottle like she wants to hold it (not that I'm going to let her this early), she has to be sitting up (laying down is for babies and she's a big girl), and like I said she has to be doing SOMETHING. She loves her jumper that goes in the doorway...by far that is her favorite activity during the day. She is also up for a good swing during the afternoon where she finds a short nap. She really doesn't take too many naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

She appears to be teething and is constantly gnawing on her hand. We've gotten her teething toys but she isn't too interested and she still won't take a pacifier. She loves to eat but is very inconsistent. Some days she take 6 oz a time every 3 or 4 hours and then some days she's back to her 2 - 4oz ever couple of hours...she is a mystery to me.

I'm hoping that in August when she starts MDO she will get into some kind of schedule and maybe not being the only baby there will teach her to entertain herself better.

She's such a little person these days, I catch her watching the dog very intently and she and I have had some serious staring contests. Her wheels are definitely turning. She still loves her some ceiling fans and T.V.'s. She LOVES to watch the television and now that the Backyardigains are in HD...you have to turn her back to the tv to get her to pay attention to eating and burping, she loves it!

I have no idea what she weighs...last time I did a home weigh in she was around 15 lbs...she's just a little sack of sugar!

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