Sunday, May 3, 2009

Welcome Nora Ella Hardy

Nora Ella Hardy
March 26, 2009
7:36 am
7 lbs 3 oz 19"

We had a scheduled c-section for that Thursday morning which ended up being a little more than this anxious lady bargained for. I don't know if I would have handled, "OH NO! I'm in labor get me to the hospital" better but it was very hard for me knowing I was going to bed and I had to wake up at 4 am to go to the hospital to have a baby. But we made it despite a torrential downpour on the way to the hospital and being about 20 minutes late.

It was very surreal and has the minutes inched closer to 7:20 am I got more and more anxious and even thought about bolting once. Brannan was there for me, stoic and calm, all an act I'm sure but together we managed. Well, I managed until they made him wait outside while they gave me the spinal. I really almost lost it. Really. It was close. Thank the Lord I had a wonderful wonderful wonderful nurse who talked me through it. I was better immediately once Brannan got into the OR and I was numb.

Then a whooping 6 minutes after Brannan got into the OR she was here! WOW! That was fast! What's everyone complaining about childbirth for? HAHA! I will never deny that I didn't want a c-section but I have to say, it worked out just fine. I was worried about missing out on childbirth but now that she's here, she's the only thing that matters.

Brannan was video taping and doing a below average job but who can blame him for forgetting he was filming...he was very excited. I did get to see her butt coming out then the floor then a close up of her ear then the floor then her in the crib then some more floor and then I got to see when we first met. Ahhh. I remember just starring at her in complete disbelief and thinking...she doesn't look anything like me. Insert laugh here. That's the only thing I thought. My child looks just like Brannan. Then they stole her away from me and my husband was gone and I had to wait in recovery ALONE for THREE HOURS. My worst fears realized, that was another huge reason I didn't want a c-section! The recovery room! I'm very needy, I do not want to be alone at a time like that and no I didn't sleep - all those other women were sawing zzzz's but I couldn't shut an eye until I saw that baby again.

Finally they found us a room and I got to see my sweet husband. He told me all about her and told me about her bath - he was so proud and excited and I fell in love with him all over again. I thought I loved my husband but it turns out I've never loved liked I loved that day. To see my husband holding our baby was more than my little heart could stand so it had to grow bigger and bigger to hold it all in.

We stayed in the hospital for three nights and went home on Sunday morning. We had lots of visitors and family and it was such a happy time. I thoroughly enjoyed our hospital stay. I'm not afraid of a little attention and I soaked it up all weekend.

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