I guess everyone was right! I don't know why I doubted myself - I knew all along we had a little girl on the way!
Our doctor's appointment was last Friday and we were so excited we could hardly sit still. I made sure I had a Pepsi before the appointment so baby would be awake and we could get some good pics. So we got there 5 min ahead of time and waited patiently in the waiting room. Then we went back and weighed in -- I don't even remember what it was (which is unusual) I was just SO ready to get the ultrasound done.
Then our nurse came in and took my blood pressure, which is really good, and got the heartbeat via Doppler and she had a heartbeat of 142. So then she left and we began waiting and waiting and waiting...for an hour and a half! Our doctor had to deliver TWO babies! Luckily they were at Crestwood Hospital (where her office is) so it wasn't as bad as if she were at Huntsville.
SO FINALLY! she came back and we started our ultrasound. Everything looks really good. Her head, tummy, spine, two legs & feet, two arms & hands and all that other technical stuff was all good. YAY! Now we could move on the the good part. Brannan was our camera guy (the u/s machine didn't make videos...kinda ghetto we thought, but nonetheless...) so he was looking at it through the camera and I don't think he saw it right away...or the absent of it, right away. But I knew exactly what we were looking for (or not looking for) thanks to Leslie's ultrasound of Clay!!! Then she confirmed what we had known all along, that we had a little girl on our hands and a wiggle worm at that. The doctor could hardly get any pictures because she was moving all over the place - I guess I didn't need that Pepsi after all.
I'll upload a couple of videos and pictures later. In the meantime here are some pictures of Nora Ella's new wardrobe her grandma bought her this weekend.
Kati Ann is 8 & Kie is 5
9 years ago
Awww... little girls clothes are so much cuter!!! Congrats again!
So happy for you guys! I agree~ little girl clothes are so much fun to shop for. :)
YAY!! I love the little cupcake outfit. I don't think this little girl is going to be short on clothes. How does that all of a sudden happen? You buy tons of stuff for a baby and not yourself! Oh well, it sure is fun. Can't wait to see her in all these cute outfits!
Yay! I am excited you are having a girl! You will love the dress up and fun girly things. I always like to look at the girl clothes before heading over to the dreaded "truck and sports" options for boys! And I love her name - very original.
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