Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby News

Well, I am 13 weeks pregnant and I haven't posted anything yet because several people didn't know about the baby yet and I didn't want them to find out on a blog!

We found out July 24th, a mere 3 days after my yearly gyn appointment when I said the infamous words, "We're planning on waiting about a year and half". Of course by that point I was 4 weeks pregnant and didn't know. So the monthly cycle failed to show up on Wednesday which alerted me since I'm never late. So on Thursday, July 24th I went to Target to purchase a test. I got home around 4:30 and to my disbelief Brannan was already home, shoot -- now what?

So I snuck in while he was cutting the grass and took the test. Now, I will admit that deep down I NEVER thought I was really pregnant -- I was looking at this as a way to relieve my mind of all the possibilities. To my shock and horror those two lines stared back at me in what I believe was record three minutes was two lines right away. I will open my soul to you and admit I was not at first joyous, AT ALL. I was terrified and very upset. This wasn't in my plan. So after I cried and then pulled myself together, Brannan came in and I immediately had to show it to him. I couldn't handle all this information on my own. He just stared at it. Then he kept repeating over and over again, "How did this happen, I just don't understand..."

I will admit that I had been off birth control for the month because I was in between my Birmingham doctor and my new Huntsville doctor. But Brannan and I were both under the impression (the wrong impression) that it had to "get out of your system". For all of you out there that are under this same BAD impression -- I was off the pill for ONE WEEK when I got pregnant. One. I called my doctor's office the next morning and I told her I needed to come in for a pregnancy test. She asked if I had taken a home test, and I said, "Yes, I've taken four and they are all positive". To which she answered, "Then you don't need to come in for a test, you ARE pregnant". I was genuinely SHOCKED they didn't want to see me right away! I mean, hello! I'm pregnant! So that's when the pain staking four weeks of waiting came into play.

FINALLY on August 22 we had our fist appointment and we got our first ultrasound and got to see the baby and their heartbeat...very exciting.

Then another four weeks passed and we had our second appointment last Friday, September 19 and we got to hear the heartbeat. Brannan was out of town for work so I videoed it (the heartbeat doesn't happen until 2:10 min, if you want to skip ahead).

We're very excited and have decided that this is all in God's timing because it's not in ours. But God has blessed us so much and we are so thankful for this baby and all the wonderful things He is doing in our lives that we don't deserve but because of His beautiful grace and perfect love He has given us.


Susan said...

OH cute!! Loved the video, almost made me cry. How sweet is it that you taped it. What a great idea. When are you going to make your facebook announcement??

Melissa said...

Congratulations!!!! How exciting for you two!!! I think it's funny that you wrote, 'I was genuinely SHOCKED that they didn't want to see me right away'...!! I thought the same thing! It's like...hello? Don't you understand that I am pregnant...that is IMPORTANT! LOL.
I'm happy for you and baby...sweet times lay ahead.

McKt said...

Congratulations! Babies are the best ever! Both of our boys were um, surprises, but we wouldn't have it any other way now. But the shock is well, shocking.

They should warn us all about going off the pill even for a minute. Apparently women are super fertile right after going off, my sister-in-law got twins! Talk about a shock.

I hope you are feeling well and enjoying your pregnancy. It is a unique experience between you and this little life you are nurturing.

Susan Stabler said...

OH MY! I'm right there with Suz, I totally teared up watching this! How SWEET! You are going to be such a great mom Lu, I'm so excited for you guys.
I also can't wait to find out if its a boy or girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you!!!!!!!!!

Lesley said...

aww, I shed a tear for you! I'm so excited! I can't wait to find out what you are having!