Well I think I've finally recovered from this past weekend. Traveling is not so much fun these days what with having to sleep in a strange bed and all the driving. But it was indeed a wonderful weekend even though it was jam packed and flew by!
First let me say thank you to all my sweet friends who threw us the shower. It seems like just yesterday I was unwrapping blenders, bed sheets and china and I know a little over a year is short turn around for shower hosting, so thank you!
Susan Moll (our ring leader), Shanon (my big sis), Susan Stabler (guest who traveled the furthest), Anita (injured but still contributed behind the scenes) and Kristin (the hostess with the most-ess) turned Susan's house into a baby shower machine. Everything looked so lovely from the balloons on the mailbox to the wreath on the door and the table and flowers everywhere. We were treated with brownie sundaes and toppings galore and I really don't think I've been to a yummier shower.
We skipped the games and I don't think anyone noticed. I almost didn't notice. I guess they remembered how competitive I am when it comes to winning shower games and they didn't want to go there just in case I lost. It turned out to be a good thing because we couldn't waste any time with all the presents I had to open. I bet we went steady on the present opening for about an hour and 15 minutes.
It was very overwhelming and hot. HA! I was burning up and made Susan kick her ceiling fan into high gear. We had around 30 guests and many people who couldn't make it sent gifts so there was paper and bows and bags OH MY flying everywhere.
To recap on the gifts: I got some stuff off my registry including our play yard, diaper champ, tummy time toy, exersaucer, capri stroller, mobile, mattress, bouncer, bath tub, booster seat, boppy & monitor! And if that wasn't enough! We got so many lovely handmade gifts like bibs, burp cloths, towels, blankets, & onesies. Of course we got some adorable outfits and practical items as well. Brannan's step mother is very talented and made us a gaggle of gifts including a smocked gown with matching bonnet and booties as well as a blanket, two stuffed dolls, a taggy blanket and a sweet little crocheted cape and booties!
There is nothing like a shower to make you realize how much people love you and your family. I really can't describe how thankful I am to everyone who has been so supportive and loving to us during this time. I know that Nora coming into our world was very unexpected but I wouldn't change this time in our lives for anything. I love Nora Ella and Brannan more than I thought my heart was capable of loving anyone.
It was a wonderful, wonderful day and I've included some pictures!
Kati Ann is 8 & Kie is 5
9 years ago