Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I Elfed Myself

Yeah! Too Much Fun! Please notice that Brannan and I invited our boyfriend & girlfriend to join us in this Holiday Special!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Best-Worst Week Ever

This has been a hard week for me. It’s also been a wonderful week. A contradiction? Isn’t everything in life. How is it that after we get everything we ever wanted in life, we become sad because we get the false sense that we are done accomplishing things. I don’t think we are really ever done accomplishing anything but sometimes it seems as though that chapter is closed and now I have to move on. Well maybe I don’t want to move on. What was I doing a year ago today, well let’s see. A year ago today I had just come in from the ski slopes in Vail, Colorado, and yes it was as idyllic as you are right now imagining. My new husband and I were tired but filled with spirit and excitement and alas love. We readied ourselves for dinner and we both looked really lovely, well not him, he looked handsome, I looked lovely. Our valet brought the car around and snow was falling heavy from the night’s sky. It was more beautiful than I had ever imagined, nothing like the Alabama frost that occasionally graced the top of our cars. As we hurried off to diner, living someone else’s life and hopeing no one noticed, it seemed like the dream would never end.

A year later. My husband asked me the other night if I ever thought a year ago that we would be in a new home and expecting our first child at that same time a year later. No. I never thought any of those things. I had spent my life planning for that one day - that one week, and I had never bothered to think past what would happen on December 6th when we got home from our honeymoon. I didn’t really know how to be a wife, how would I have known. I had seen movies and TV shows with wives and of course I had my own mother to look up to, but I had never planned past the honeymoon. I think I did an okay job at first and it only took me two times to master Martha Stewart’s Meatloaf 101. I was doing really well. I began to plan meals for my husband and I to enjoy, I balanced our finances, I planned things for us to do together as a couple and I even packed my husbands things for him when we went out of town. I had seven good months under my belt when I discovered I was pregnant. Seven? That’s all? That’s all. That’s all I was going to get, seven months to become a wife. Well, now what? “Now you have nine months to figure out how you’re going to be a mother”, I said to myself. That seemed fair - two more months than the wife thing.

I stressed at first, and then again the next month, and then the next and so on. As people close to me and people I barely new assured me that I would be a wonderful mother, I wasn’t sure. I know I will love my child, and I already do, check. Ok, so I’ve come that far, I love her. Now what, what do I do with her? What will I teach her? How will I discipline her? How will I provide for her? All valid questions. Ok, so the plan is to just go with the flow and let God be in control. I’m good with that plan, that let’s me relax, something I’m not good at.

So that brings me back to this week. I have reminiscing all week about this same week from last year. What a magical week this will always be. So how come every time I think about our wedding or our honeymoon I cry? I think I’m just sad this year is over, not that I had planned anything past that first week but at least I had this whole year as a cushion. Yesterday was December 4th, last year the fourth was on a Tuesday, and last year we went snow mobile riding through the Rocky Mountains. Yesterday, December 4, 2008, we did not go for a snow mobile ride, yesterday we went to register for our baby. A let down? No, not necessarily. A disappointment? No I wouldn’t say that either. A reality check? Yes, definitely a realty check.

So I guess now we grow up. That sounds funny being 29 & 34 respectively. Weren’t we suppose to already be grown up? Maybe that’s why I’m sad. The honeymoon is over, the baby is on the way and it’s time to grow up. But just last week I sat in my father’s lap with my arm around his neck holding on tight for a goodnight hug. What happens now? Am I in my father’s lap with Nora in mine? How is that going to work? Do I just get shoved to the side, another mother doing dishes in the kitchen - I don’t know if I’m ok with that. Maybe that’s why there have been so many tears, maybe I was just getting use to being a wife, maybe that’s as grown up as I wanted to be for now. Or maybe it’s because I know deep down that if this year went by so quickly our daughter’s first year will go by fast and then the next and the next and all of the sudden she’ll be grown.

So I guess that chapter in our lives is closed. The honeymoon is over, as they say. I said before that I felt like I had come to a stand still because I had accomplished everything in life I had planned. I married the love of my life. That’s a good accomplishment I think. But I’m still standing here, so that must not be all that God has planned for me. I’m glad God is one step ahead because I’m not creative enough to come up with a whole lifetime of things to do. It’s a Friday night and writing you this is all I can think of to do.

Am I still sad? No, now I’m just scared. Being scared is kind of like being sad I guess, it does produce the same action. Crying. But no I’m not sad just scared of facing this new year and all its unknowns. I’m happy too, isn’t there somewhere that says, “Tears of Joy”. I think there is. Maybe that’s what these tears are, tears of joy. Maybe I’m crying tears of joy because my life is now better than I could have ever planned. Everyone is making plans for New Years, but I think we’ll just stay in. According to my calendar our New Year started last Monday, on our anniversary. It was a good year.

I’m not looking for any words of wisdom or advice from people who have been married five, ten or thirty years. I think we’ll just figure this out on our own. I know reliable sources to seek sound advice from when we need it. And I know we will. I just wanted you to know why I’m crying the next time you see me. The death of a honeymoon the fear of an unborn child and the joy from life, all in one year, realized, all in one week.

Decorating for Christmas

Well there's not too much to show this year, since we still don't have anywhere to put anything. But here are some pictures of what we have done.
The Tree

A Few of Our Ornaments
Our new one for our new home Brannan's mother bought for us in Gatlinburg

And Nora's stocking hanging in between ours

And lastly, our rubber tree

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

One Year!

What! How could it already be our one year wedding anniversary? This year has flown by and I really can't believe it.

For those of you who were there you know how much I loved my wedding day. Everything was so lovely and we had a wonderful time and an amazing honeymoon. I had fun on our anniversary reliving our wedding day thinking about what we were doing at different times and at 5:30 pm (the same time as our wedding) we were on our way to get our Christmas Tree. I also had a hard day emotionally (thanks to the baby I'm sure) but I just couldn't stop crying. I think I was sad that our first year was over and sad that it had gone by so fast. We are so excited about Nora but it is all very overwhelming at the same time. I look at her little clothes hanging in her closet and I see the ones that are 12 months and I think - if this year went by this fast, how fast is her first year going to fly by! She's not even here yet and I don't want her to grow up.

But we did end up having a lovely evening together picking out the tree and cooking dinner. We made nachos and sat there laughing about how in 24 years where we would be and if we would remember how poor we were on our first anniversary that we had to eat nachos we made from Thanksgiving leftovers!

But our home was filled with love and we celebrated Nora too by hanging her stocking next to ours.

We hesitated on eating our wedding cake because we thought it was going to taste really bad which turned out to be delicious. I just had another piece for lunch! Mom did a great job of wrapping and freezing it and I'm sure the fact that it was from Edgars helped! As you may have already heard Brannan said, "Maybe we're just fat, but this is really good"! I think it is a combination of 1. Yes, we are a little fat and 2. it was really good.

We put our tree up and got all of the Christmas decorations out of the garage and settled in to watch our video from the Wedding. It was a little embarrassing to watch ourselves but it was really sweet and funny too. For all of you who were there, sorry we made you stand so long to sing...oops! We also thought it was really funny that 1. Our preacher mentioned our sexual union, hehe and 2. he invited our guests to stay for a FREE Christmas Concert...for all of you out there...we want our $5 cover. We just thought it was funny that he actually said it was free, like we would expect you to pay...anyway...we got a laugh out of it. Plus we had never seen the Christmas Concert portion because we were upstairs cutting cake.

It was a great day and we just celebrated our little love.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Nora's Film & Print Debut

This is a short's the one when we find out she's a girl!

Her Sweet Feet

Her Pretty Face (on the right)

Her Profile (her face is on the right)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nora Ella Hardy

I guess everyone was right! I don't know why I doubted myself - I knew all along we had a little girl on the way!

Our doctor's appointment was last Friday and we were so excited we could hardly sit still. I made sure I had a Pepsi before the appointment so baby would be awake and we could get some good pics. So we got there 5 min ahead of time and waited patiently in the waiting room. Then we went back and weighed in -- I don't even remember what it was (which is unusual) I was just SO ready to get the ultrasound done.

Then our nurse came in and took my blood pressure, which is really good, and got the heartbeat via Doppler and she had a heartbeat of 142. So then she left and we began waiting and waiting and waiting...for an hour and a half! Our doctor had to deliver TWO babies! Luckily they were at Crestwood Hospital (where her office is) so it wasn't as bad as if she were at Huntsville.

SO FINALLY! she came back and we started our ultrasound. Everything looks really good. Her head, tummy, spine, two legs & feet, two arms & hands and all that other technical stuff was all good. YAY! Now we could move on the the good part. Brannan was our camera guy (the u/s machine didn't make videos...kinda ghetto we thought, but nonetheless...) so he was looking at it through the camera and I don't think he saw it right away...or the absent of it, right away. But I knew exactly what we were looking for (or not looking for) thanks to Leslie's ultrasound of Clay!!! Then she confirmed what we had known all along, that we had a little girl on our hands and a wiggle worm at that. The doctor could hardly get any pictures because she was moving all over the place - I guess I didn't need that Pepsi after all.

I'll upload a couple of videos and pictures later. In the meantime here are some pictures of Nora Ella's new wardrobe her grandma bought her this weekend.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tomorrow Is The Big Day!

Well anxiety is building at our house with every passing day because tomorrow is Christmas! For us anyway - we find out what we are having and we couldn't be more excited. I've been polling people and the census is leaning toward girl and in all my dreams the baby is a girl and the "Old Wives Tale" quizzes online point to a girl and of course there is the Chinese Calendar which says it will be a girl.

With all that being said - I'm sure it will be a boy! HA! Not to mention my mother has jinxed it by already buying girl clothes! But we'll let you all know as soon as we can!

On a fun note - I've been feeling little baby flutters for 3 weeks now. Well Tuesday night, in the middle of the night, the baby woke me up with about 5 or 6 swift kicks to the belly button area! It was shocking! I couldn't believe it -- I tried to wake Brannan up but it was too late.

So then last night Brannan and I were laying on the sofa watching our newly installed DirecTV (thank you Lord for satellite) and I started to feel it again - so Brannan put his hand on my belly and I put my hand on top of his and sure enough...we both felt it! WOW!..WHAT?..WOW!...I don't think either one of us ever thought we would be able to feel it this early! It was really exciting!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Boy or Girl?

We find out a week from this Friday, November 14th, if we are having a boy or a girl.

Now, if you had of asked me 3 months ago what I wanted, I would have told you very affirmatively that I wanted a girl. And here is one reason why:

I have sweet sugar plum visions of a darling little girl in her cute little dresses, playing dolls and sipping tea with Mommy. I'm just in love with the idea.

However, things have changed. The first time we saw baby on the sonogram it was amazing, then we heard baby's heartbeat and that was amazing. You would think this would be enough to connect me to the child but alas it wasn't until I began to feel the baby inside that I really felt like this was really happening. And I have to say, that now that it seems "real" it doesn't matter to me anymore. I have a baby coming in 4 1/2 months and I'm going to love and adore it no matter what it is. As a matter of fact I've found a beautiful fabric for a boys room.

I know God will give us what we need, I've learned He never gives us what we want unless it is in line with what He knows we need. So boy or girl -- who cares!

I can't wait to find out though! I'm SO tired of people "predicting" the sex of my child. I don't know how people don't find out and have to listen to all these wives tales for 9 months. I have literally had one person walk up to me and tell me I'm having a girl because I'm carrying the weight all around and another woman tell me I'm having a boy because I'm carrying the weight all around. And how about the lady that says I'm having a boy because I've already felt it so early - the same lady that said 8 weeks ago I was having a girl because the heartbeat was fast.

I'll let you know next week!

Monday, November 3, 2008

We Did It!

Well the big move is finally over and I couldn't be more happy. We've decided that we will be hiring movers next time, it was not a whole lot of fun. But it's done and while we still have so much to do, at least there's no rush.

We closed on Friday October 24th and besides me leaving the check for closing at home and Brannan having to run home to get it, everything went really smooth. The lady who sold the house to us moved three houses down so she's our new neighbor. Which is nice that we know someone - and I need to ask her where the deadbolt key is.

My parents and my sister came up to help and as soon as we signed we headed to the new house to finalize paint colors. Then it was off to Lowe's and we had the main room taped off by Friday night. Saturday we were busy painting and one of the guys that works with Brannan helped us pick up our new range, microwave, refrigerator & tv stand from some very generous donors that go to our church.

Sunday Brannan's sister & her friend helped us paint some more and then we began the daunting task of painting the trim...which took us Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday -- and did I mention Thursday morning!!! We're still not done in the bedrooms so just pretend if you stop by.

I had the carpets cleaned Thursday morning and then Brannan and two guys he works with helped us move our big stuff Thursday night. By this time, I'm completely worn out and getting sick and by Friday morning I was completely sick and emotionally defeated by the amount of crap we still had to move.

I've come to the conclusion that we have way too much stuff that we don't need. The guys helping us move were from Mexico and I almost felt ashamed by the mass quantity of things we have. I think we are going to have to edit our belongings and start being better stewards of what God has given us.

So, back to my story, my dad showed up Friday afternoon like some kind of hero and lifted my spirits and helped us get the rest of the stuff out of our house. By the time the week was over we had taken 17 car loads and 3 moving truck loads of "stuff" to the new house. Big props to dad, Arnolfo & Pablo for helping because there is no way we could have done it ourselves...I was barely able to climb the steps at the old house by the end of the week.

Dad and Brannan got the stove, microwave and fridge in by the end of the weekend while I slept on the bed, sofa and then bed again (like I said, I was worthless by the end of the weekend).

But it has been wonderful. If you had the pleasure of visiting our old house you will really appreciate not getting locked into the bedroom in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. The new house's doors open with ease, the floors don't creek, there is no draft and TWO people can go potty at the same time! Dad was our first guest and while he slept on a mattress in the floor he seemed to enjoy himself.

Little dog has adjusted very well. As some of you may know - my darling husband never potty trained her - but because of our great new backyard she has been outside to tink & poo every time, no accidents. She isn't allowed in the carpeted areas, and seems to understand that...b/c we holler at her if she goes near them. She sleeps in her crate at night and doesn't mind one bit (I've been trying to tell B that dogs like crates for years...I think he finally believes me). The only thing she doesn't seem to care for is that she has to stay outside or in her crate when we aren't home, she doesn't seem to care for this at all but oh well, she's a dog.

To sum up,
We have been blessed beyond our wildest dreams. Sometimes I don't feel like it's really ours yet because it's so wonderful! And when I walk into the nursery and see those little clothes hanging in the closet I'm overwhelmed by God's grace & love. When we were in the process of looking and getting approved for a home loan I prayed to God that we would give all the honor to Him and we would use our home as way to glorify His Name. I hope we have to pleasure of welcoming all of you into our home that God built for us.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Moving Soon!

I talked to our mortgage gal today and we are T-Totally approved...who knew there were so many different approval processes you had to jump through. I feel like we are the only people in America moving!

Anyway, if you live nearby and are willing to help us move we would appreciate it. If you can even help one afternoon the last week in October, that would be great. Some people from church are going to help but I'm pretty worthless as I am in a "delicate" state!

Lea Anne

Monday, October 13, 2008

10 Year High School Reunion

That's right, 10 years! Class of 1998 -- I thought this day would never come yet it came really fast. It was this past Saturday night at the Birmingham Museum of Art. I had originally started Weight Watchers in July so I would look my best -- but we all know what happened with that. So, I was four months pregnant at my HS reunion...who cares, so were some other people. Brannan did not go, we had some plans change up and he ended up going to Butler to get ready for hunting season. It was probably for the best since I was so busy mingling at the reunion.

To prepare for the day I started my morning by flipping through my senior yearbook I dug out of my old closet at my parent's house. It was really strange, I just didn't even remember people, a downside to graduating with 600+ people. And then other people who I hadn't thought about one second since graduation. Then I headed to the spa for a facial, eyebrow wax, manicure & pedicure -- if I was going to be "fat" I was going to be pretty.

I met my best high school friends at The Tutwiler Bar downtown and we had a wonderful time catching up including the baby news! Everyone was very excited and stunned...but that's the reaction we've gotten from everyone!

Then off to the reunion we went...a group of 8 walking up a staircase into the party was evidently too much for Rebecca Mummert to handle, as she became very excited and ran over to us as if we were something to behold. We had such a wonderful time catching up with people we hadn't seen and visiting with friends. I would say for the most part everyone looked better than high school...not too many people looked the same or worst -- so that's good. Only a few sloppy drunks to speak of, you never want to be that girl.

All and all it was a lovely night and I had a great time. Then we all (everyone left at the reunion at 11pm) went to Steel in downtown Birmingham where the party continued into the night. This is where my "I'm the only sober one here" got a little testy for the first time all night. But I think it was just because I was so tired...I still had fun and it was great to see the "hookups" toward the end of the night.

Finally I came to rest at 3 am after a sandwich, banana and glass of milk with my mom at the kitchen table. Good times, just like old times, but better.
All pictures courtesy of Julie Brousil!!!

Here we are at The Tutwiler at our "pre-party"
Julie, Clint, Shannon, Richard & Lea Anne (Jenny & Kate couldn't come)

Hank(Shannon), Mary(Richard) & Ben(Julie)

Shannon & Hank

Mary & Julie

Vasthy & Shannon

Clint & Julie

Shannon, Julie & Lea Anne(with my eyes closed)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Our Wedding Album!

Well it's been 10 months and our wedding album is finally online and hopefully I'll be getting it in my hands soon. It looks beautiful, I love it!

To turn pages put your cursor in the bottom right hand corner of the page click and drag just like you were turning a page in a book!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just For Fun. Meet my nephews!

These are some fun videos from the boy's school.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby News

Well, I am 13 weeks pregnant and I haven't posted anything yet because several people didn't know about the baby yet and I didn't want them to find out on a blog!

We found out July 24th, a mere 3 days after my yearly gyn appointment when I said the infamous words, "We're planning on waiting about a year and half". Of course by that point I was 4 weeks pregnant and didn't know. So the monthly cycle failed to show up on Wednesday which alerted me since I'm never late. So on Thursday, July 24th I went to Target to purchase a test. I got home around 4:30 and to my disbelief Brannan was already home, shoot -- now what?

So I snuck in while he was cutting the grass and took the test. Now, I will admit that deep down I NEVER thought I was really pregnant -- I was looking at this as a way to relieve my mind of all the possibilities. To my shock and horror those two lines stared back at me in what I believe was record three minutes was two lines right away. I will open my soul to you and admit I was not at first joyous, AT ALL. I was terrified and very upset. This wasn't in my plan. So after I cried and then pulled myself together, Brannan came in and I immediately had to show it to him. I couldn't handle all this information on my own. He just stared at it. Then he kept repeating over and over again, "How did this happen, I just don't understand..."

I will admit that I had been off birth control for the month because I was in between my Birmingham doctor and my new Huntsville doctor. But Brannan and I were both under the impression (the wrong impression) that it had to "get out of your system". For all of you out there that are under this same BAD impression -- I was off the pill for ONE WEEK when I got pregnant. One. I called my doctor's office the next morning and I told her I needed to come in for a pregnancy test. She asked if I had taken a home test, and I said, "Yes, I've taken four and they are all positive". To which she answered, "Then you don't need to come in for a test, you ARE pregnant". I was genuinely SHOCKED they didn't want to see me right away! I mean, hello! I'm pregnant! So that's when the pain staking four weeks of waiting came into play.

FINALLY on August 22 we had our fist appointment and we got our first ultrasound and got to see the baby and their heartbeat...very exciting.

Then another four weeks passed and we had our second appointment last Friday, September 19 and we got to hear the heartbeat. Brannan was out of town for work so I videoed it (the heartbeat doesn't happen until 2:10 min, if you want to skip ahead).

We're very excited and have decided that this is all in God's timing because it's not in ours. But God has blessed us so much and we are so thankful for this baby and all the wonderful things He is doing in our lives that we don't deserve but because of His beautiful grace and perfect love He has given us.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

House Hopeful

We are happy to announce we have a contract on a house here in North Huntsville (Meridianville to be exact). We had the inspection last night and unless something tragic happens we'll be closing October 24! We are very excited, and in case you didn't already know -- just enough time to get in and get the house set up for baby who will be here late March.

So I've attached a few pictures, keep in mind it is empty had hasn't gotten the "Lea Anne touch" yet!


Front of House

View from Front Porch

Part of backyard

Living Room

Dining Room



Eat-in Area of Kitchen

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I Just Want to Fit In!

Ok, so this is evidently the cool thing to do and since I had two hours I HAD to sit in my office while my boss had counseling appointments.....
For your viewing pleasure.........